segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2011

Little acident with my BiG HEXA

After a perfect fly with my new sony MC50 i did some PID adjust and make a new fly.
When i take the hexa by one arm and make some manual shake a i2C error occur and hexa fliped.
The result: two finger with deeper cut and one finger broked.

Take care with your equipment ! 
Its very dangerous when out of control.
Use personel protection equipment for make tests.


2 comentários:

  1. AMADOR!!!!!
    Excesso de confiança SEMPRE geram acidentes !!!

  2. foda Eduardo, melhoras pra ti.. não achei q pudesse ser tao graves acidentes com quads... o meu corto meu cutuvelo esses dias mas ja ta cicatrizado... esse ai vai da trabalho. :/
